Pinnawala Elephant Orphanage

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Pinnawala Elephant Orphanage

Pinnawala Elephant Orphanage

No trip to Sri Lanka is complete without a visit to Kandy, and there is plenty there to see and do including Kandy Lake, the famous Temple of the Tooth, and the Pinnawala Elephant Orphanage.

The Elephant Orphanage is located halfway between Colombo and Kandy.  We decided to take a train from the modern-looking central station in Kandy westwards to Ranbukkana. From there, we planned to travel the extra few kilometers to Pinnawala on foot. After all, we had all day and were in no hurry for a change.

We left our hotel straight after breakfast and walked over to the train station. The train journey takes around an hour and a half. We planned to arrive in Pinnawala a little before lunchtime: This is the time the elephants are taken across the road for their daily wash in the nearby river.

Our train had comfortable soft seats and was not very full, so we had a relaxing journey. When we arrived in Ranbukkana, we walked back the short distance to Kegalle Junction. From there we took the main road south to Pinnawala. The distance is only around 3 km, but it feels longer on foot.

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The entrance fee (for adult foreigners) is Rs 2,500 ($7). This gives you access to the main complex and the river where the elephants bathe. Be aware however that you will be hassled by would-be guides and constantly harassed for tips once you are inside.

We saw several elephants in chains. In the covered areas we found some younger elephants being hand-fed with what looked like milk from large bottles. We also saw 2 hairy little baby elephants.

Pinnawala Elephant Orphanage

Pinnawala Elephant Orphanage
Pinnawala Elephant Orphanage
Pinnawala Elephant Orphanage
Pinnawala Elephant Orphanage
Pinnawala Elephant Orphanage


Further in, there is a large wide open area where the elephants seem to spend the majority of their time. Here they are herded around by the keepers. We counted around 30 or so elephants of different sizes.

It’s at this point that the keepers will offer to take pictures of you (with your own camera) next to an elephant. You will then be aggressively badgered for a tip, and no – a few hundred rupees is insufficient: They demand 500 rupees (each keeper).

Pinnawala Elephant Orphanage Kandy: A 'circus' that exploits both elephants & tourists

Pinnawala Elephant Orphanage: A ‘circus’ that exploits both elephants & tourists

Around lunchtime, the keepers round up the entire herd and non-too-gently hustle them across the road to the river for bathing. Along this route you’ll find a succession of expensive gift shops selling trinkets, as well as recycled paper and artifacts made from elephant dung.

These items are also surprisingly expensive considering their provenance.

Pinnawala Elephant Orphanage: A 'circus' that exploits both elephants & tourists

I was there 19 years ago but none of the elephants seemed to remember me…

At the river’s edge, around the bathing area, there are a few very busy terraces where you may be able to order something to eat or drink if you’re lucky (and if you have deep pockets). I have to admit that by then I’d had enough of this circus.

If you want to see elephants, there are plenty of other more worthy places in Sri Lanka to see them. This place is simply a slick business designed to part you from your cash at every opportunity.

♦  Want a picture with an elephant? PAY!
♦  Want to visit the washroom? PAY!
♦  Want to feed an elephant? PAY!
♦  Want to ask anyone anything? PAY!

The staff will actually argue aggressively with you if they think your “tip” is insufficient.

This place is no orphanage (and hasn’t been for many years). It exists simply to exploit both elephants and tourists. At least we had the choice to leave: The elephants are not so fortunate…

Pinnawala Elephant Orphanage

Pinnawala Elephant Orphanage

After this disappointing (and disheartening) experience, we headed back to the train station. Luckily, we found a bus ready to leave for Kandy. We hopped on the bus and saved some time waiting for the next train back.

Our final visit in Kandy would be to the Temple of the Tooth, down by the lake.

After that, we planned to head up into the relative serenity of the mountain jungles to the east.

Hotels in Kandy

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